Steve Sandilands - Life Member

11th September 2024
By Max Borchardt

Each year the BUMS management committee can award life membership to club members who have made a significant contribution to the running and growth of BUMS.

Life membership is an honour, and the recipients are respected for involvement in improving our members ukulele and performance skills, to spreads the joy of ukulele through the wider community and above all to have fun, fun, fun.

Steve Sandilands was made a life member at the AGM on 1 September 2024.

Steve Sandilands image 2.png

In brief, Steve joined BUMS in 2013 and, since that time, has consistently been involved in BUMS activities, leading workshops, organising volunteers and running concerts and jams. He has been a key contributor to all BUMS festivals from SPRUKE 2013 to Ukulele under the Stars at the Planetarium in 2023. He was the driving force behind the Eastside jam which ran at Wynnum/Birkdale in 2022-23. He loves performing and spreading the joy of the ukulele to other ukulele players and the general public.

Steve joined the Management Committee in 2015, working on equipment management and was Gigmeister/Events coordinator for the last two years.

For more information download this document

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