Sue Sercombe - Life Member

8th September 2024
By Max Borchardt

Each year, the BUMS management committee can award life membership to club members who have made a significant contribution to the running and growth of BUMS.

Life membership is an honour, and the recipients are respected for involvement in improving our members ukulele and performance skills, to spreads the joy of ukulele through the wider community and above all to have fun, fun, fun.

Sue Sercombe was made a life member at the AGM on 1 September 2024.

Sue Sercombe at jam.png

In brief, she has been an active member of BUMS since its earliest days in 2012. She was an enthusiastic supporter of BUMS events, including the first festival in 2011 and all the SPRUKE festivals up to 2023.  She and her husband Peter were active members of the community band CAGE and mainstays of the CAGE performance band.  Sue and Peter ran what is now known as the Westside jam at Indooroopilly, Toowong and now Sinnamon Park.  Fittingly, the 10th anniversary of the Westside jam is in October 2024.

In accepting her life membership at the AGM, Sue acknowledged the role Peter has played in all the activities and events that they have been involved with, particularly the Westside jam.  They are a team.

For more information Life member citation for Sue Sercombe

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