More Splash News

24th July 2024
By Steve Sandilands and Judi Goldspink

There were many current and past members of BUMS who took that 'perilous' journey to the Southern Bay island of Macleay on Saturday 20 July 2024. The Splash festival was very well run and attended.  Congratulations to Len and Karen Henderson and the organising committee for putting on such a fun event.

Steve Sandilands , Frank Buckley and Simon Carter were at Willow and Oak Cafe for a smasher of a set to start the day. Their next stop was Kopaz and Curly Cafe where Simon and Frank had to sneak out halfway through the set to join Amanda and Cath to perform at the community hall. Steve held the show together in their absence.

Linda Gough and members of the Ferny Groovers performed and played at the open mics (as well enjoying the social scene.  

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There were BUMS in RCUS and DUKES of UKE, Mama JuJu and the Jam tarts played and Graham Halls' face appeared at the open Mic which was very well run by Steph and Karen and Steve Sandilands.

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To top it off, it was the most beautiful day for a ferry ride across the very calm Moreton Bay.

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