This event has ended!
Coorparoo Jam
Date & Time
3 July 2024
7:00 PM
- 9:00 PM
(UTC+10:00) Australia/Queensland
Event Description
- Venue: Coorparoo Bowls Club, 32 Riddings Street, Coorparoo.
- Time: Beginner’s session 6.30pm, jam starts at 7.00pm, goes until 9.00pm.
- Cost: BUMS Members FREE, Non-members with a ukulele $10, anyone else free. Come and try a jam – no charge for first time players.
- Bar open downstairs. Bar snacks but no meals available.
- Street parking.
- Jam coordinators: Charmaine Matthews and Adrian Board.
- Three different set leaders and open mics.
Sunday 30th Jun 2024
GeeBUMS Jam and Open Mics
We're back! Andrew Hunt leads a new style of event mixing a jam and open mic opportunities. Choose your jam songs from the BUMS song library. Come and give it a try on the last Sunday of the month. ...
We're back! Andrew Hunt leads a new style of event mixing a jam and open mic opportunities. Choose your jam songs from the BUMS song library. Come and give it a try on the last Sunday of the month. ...
Sunday 7th Jul 2024
Rocky Sunday Afternoon
Catch up with BUMS community band Out on Bail as they put on a performance at the Rocklea Tavern. Bring your ukuleles or any other musical instruments for the open mic session that will follow the performance. And come early for a feed at the tavern. ...
Catch up with BUMS community band Out on Bail as they put on a performance at the Rocklea Tavern. Bring your ukuleles or any other musical instruments for the open mic session that will follow the performance. And come early for a feed at the tavern. ...